Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Walk in the Park

Looking up...

...and up!!  These firs & cypress are enormous!

Charging the slope!

Isn't that stump wood just the coolest texture?

Note the new trees that have taken root in this old stump-- how cool is that?

It's a bird! It's a squirrel!  It's... Tree-Man?

What better place for a goofy family photo shoot?

Ok... now how do we get down?  It's quite high...

The arcs and twists of the trees fascinate the eye.

My camera fails miserably to capture the variety of greens

My Running Style

Mom and Dad always chuckle when I start running.  Sometimes I get a little carried away and knock myself over- I can't figure it out!  Oh well; I've only been doing this a few months.  By the time I'm all grown up I'm sure I'll have it down.

Gardening with Savta

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Glasses Like Everyone Else

I've had fun trying on all the glasses I find around Sabba's house.  I'm going for an engineering look I think...

Monday, April 09, 2012

Traveling West

As I was making dinner, E came pushing in this rocking chair loaded down with every purse-like object she could find, with most of her toys IN said purses.

Oh yes, and wearing these stylish glasses...

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Too Cute from the Park

Easter 2012

At a local Easter service with Daddy's Drupal-friend Steve's kids
Finding the eggs Daddy hid

Seriously showing Mommy her finds

Counting with Daddy to make sure they're all there

Our whole family

William is even apparent here :)

Going over the Resurrection Eggs with the help of the book Benjamin's Box

Mommy gets a little animated telling the story...

Each egg has a token telling part of the Easter story

Layin' Em all out

Family Easter Brunch

We had just gotten home from the Easter service when the doorbell rang unexpectedly.  Surprise!  It was Joanna's son James, his wife Mindy & their little son Lazarus!  They had misunderstood the invite for a family brunch NEXT Sunday, and shown up today.  We were quite happy about the mix-up, as I'd been dying to meet little Lazarus, and this meant Eowyn got to get re-acquainted with just a little bit of the family at a time-- she gets a bit overwhelmed in large groups... which makes sense if you're only 3 feet tall, I guess.

We enjoyed fruit, pancakes, eggs and fried potatoes together and thought it was a great addition to Easter!

She likes her pancakes with lots of jam!

Savta Jo whipping up some eggs

"Sabba Rob, Daddy, and Uncle James" all pulling their best candid faces

Lazarus, 9 mos old... the mellowest, cutest little guy you ever did see!